Hits 4 Pay is free to join. Each email read pays 2 cents. You get your own inbox on Hits 4 Pay's servers so you don't have to clog your inbox with commercial mails. I recommend creating a separate email address for your paid to read emails in any case. If you do both surveys and PTR like I do, it helps keep things organized!
And now, let me tell you about Hits 4 Pay.
And now, let me tell you about Hits 4 Pay.
Still Reading Commercial Emails For Free?
Receive Emails On Topics That Interest You
And Get Paid For It!
If you have access to your own email account, you can get paid. Refer others and get paid up to two levels.
Hits4Pay is one of the highest paying advertising program in the industry.
Sign up for free and receive a $10 Reward:
See you there!
Folks, I know that 2 cents per email doesn't sound like a lot, but it's actually pretty good. Don't make the mistake I did and fall for one of those scams that promises $1000 per email. Yeah, this old slug was slow on the uptake and ended up out $150. The only one getting rich was the scammer. The truth is, you aren't likely to get wealthy doing PTR, but you can earn a little extra cash and every little bit helps!